THE POWER OF Forgiveness
Working with hundreds and thousands of people from different parts of the world we have seen that one of the basic causes of human suffering, dissatisfaction and social and civilizational stagnation lies in the inability of individuals to let go from themselves the victim syndrom and resentment towards those, that in their view, have done them some harm on a personal, local, national, religious, ethnic, historic, political or any other basis or level. This condition is obvious everywhere in the world where even after many years after the end of different conflicts there is no public conciliation and forgiveness between peoples and individuals, and resentments and injustices reach far into the past. As long as the past cannot be let go and as long in the heart one cannot find the strength to forgive and to ask for forgiveness, it will be difficult to make economic, political and social progress. Even more so, economic, infrastructural, moral and psychological system of human society will stagnate and degrade, bringing people to the lowest levels of human consciousness bound by shame, guilt, apathy, fear, anger and pride. Since the time of waiting has long passed, and we truly have no one to wait for, it is necessary for us, as the conscious and conscientious citizens, to take over the responsibility for forgiving and asking for forgiveness on all levels of our life, starting from the person and family level all the way to the social, national and planetary level.
In this 2-hour public program, Ivan Bavcevic takes the participants into understanding the principles of forgiveness and the necessity for such urgent action. Ivan explains that power that forgiveness has for the emotional , mental and physical health of an individual, and consequently on the entire society. In a guided inner process the participants become aware which beings on planet Earth they need to ask for forgiveness for something they have done to them and they have not yet discussed it, overcame it or had the courage and strength to admit it. With this liberation on the personal level opens up a space for realizing injustices that our families, nations, religions or rases have done towards the members of other groups. With this kind of emotional, energetic and mental cleansing we come to clarity and we open the possibility of progress and development on all levels of human existence. This process liberates huge potential of human creativity and power that was until then directed towards the past, the sorrow and the sense of a victim, and which can now be turned towards the present and the practical actions that build the future. Forgiveness connects us with our original frequency of Love, and exactly here we have the test of love. It is no big achievement to love someone who is dear to you. For that one does not need neither effort nor energy, and this does not show the power nor determination of love in you. Loving the one that on the surface you may not like is a true indicator of your dedication to an exalted life of a true human being. Then we come to a state where we forgive everything to everyone because we do not resent anything or anyone.
The meeting of Forgiveness is gathering of those who are ready to replace acting from the ego with actions stemming from the heart and consciousness. Ego believes that it is always him who should or should not forgive. But we do exactly the opposite. Even if we think that someone harmed us, we express our regret to them for our own actions and ask them for forgiveness because we are aware that their actions were just a consequence of something that happened between us before.